The mission of the Math Department at Liberty Common High School is to prepare students for college-level mathematics by demonstrating the beauty of math found in its truths.  The high-quality instructors have proven classroom track records, private-sector, and real-world professional experience. Their standards are high. Their unparalleled skill in teaching young scholars the logical intricacies of mathematics fosters confidence and ordered thinking.

Every year, LCHS students earn consistently top-performing scores on the SAT exam, and other state-mandated standardized assessments, demonstrating the efficacy of the Math Department’s mission. Math teachers never “teach to the test,” and only rarely even view content from standardized tests. Instead, these teachers focus on rigor, and balancing skills and concepts—factual concepts of math (the why) are equally as important as skills (the how) in a comprehensive mathematics education.

Math courses are sequenced with intention following a highly logical flow that ensures students have the freedom to comprehend the world mathematically, and LCHS students take a math course every year.  All math courses emphasize both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency of the mathematics being learned. Such an emphasis prepares students for post-secondary success with mastery of functions (linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic), geometry, and trigonometry.

Teachers most-often use the direct instruction approach in math classrooms, rather than the discovery method. Nightly homework is assigned from a textbook.

The Math Department offers a comprehensive study of high-school mathematics from Algebra I through Calculus III and Statistics, in addition to a selection of highly specialized electives designed to give students a glimpse beyond the traditional curriculum. Advanced Placement courses include AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, and AP Statistics.  Concurrent enrollment through Front Range Community College is available for College Algebra, College Trigonometry, and Calculus III. 

Each class is sequenced to build towards proficiency in calculus because calculus represents the purity of math. LCHS graduates pursuing math or engineering degrees are less likely to change majors after being “weeded out” of college calculus courses.  Because of the knowledge and skills students develop at Liberty Common, they are afforded greater opportunity and freedom to access a wider range of post-secondary degrees.

Textbooks in use:

LCHS: Mathematics

The goal of math at Liberty Common High School is to ensure students have the skills and knowledge to succeed in college-level mathematics courses such as Calculus and Statistics. A focus on functions (linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic), geometry, and trigonometry not only accomplishes this goal, but serves to elevate the minds of students to comprehend the inherent truths of the natural world.